Late Night Talk: The Scoop on Summer- “Mermaids and Mugshots: A True History of Modern Swimwear” by Tracy Popken Springer

Mark you calendar for this Friday, June 17th.  IA’s Tracy Popken Springer will be speaking at the DMA for their Late Night Talk series, Powered by PechaKucha. PechaKucha is a style of presentation in which each speaker will present 20 slides and spend exactly 20 seconds briefly explaining each slide.

Tracy Springer is our onset tailor here at IA Agency. Her knowledge for fashion, textiles, and the craftsmanship of designing clothes is unsurpassed. Expect to be educated and inspired Friday night as Tracy presents the history of modern swimwear and the courageous women that pushed fashion forward.

Women’s swimwear has evolved much more than just becoming a dainty bikini; it has overcome many traditional boundaries, fought for functionality, and embraced the feminist movement. We won’t give anymore than that away; just know this is an event you don’t want to miss.

See everyone Friday, June 17th at 7:30 at the DMA. For more info visit the Late Night page on

Tracy will also be speaking in Austin on June 24th for a sight impaired youth education program on building versatile, easy-to-wear wardrobe that communicates your style. 

Stay up to date with Tracy and check out her latest projects at or follow her on Instagram @tracypopken.