Thursday, May 20th, marked the 10 year anniversary of the iconic Balenciaga city motorcycle bag. The city has been an iconic "it bag" for what seems like forever, and has been worn on the arms of some the most powerful women in fashion. To celebrate a decade of success, Balenciaga unveiled a line in collaboration with Neiman Marcus to be sold exclusively online and at select locations.
The trademark Balenciaga distressed, soft, and cracquele-finish calfskin leather accompanies the subdued metallic colors perfectly. The bag comes in Noir, Bronze, and Bois de Rose, all unique to this line.
It is also the first to have a patterned lining, all bags coming before it having the same black cotton interior. The fabric is taken from the designs put down the runway by Nicolas Ghesquiere during the Fall 2009 season.
You won't be able to find these at Barney's, in Balenciaga boutiques, or anywhere else but at select Neiman Marcus locations and online.
Pre-order yours today.